Wednesday, October 27, 2010

An Ode to Pain

Dear Pain,

I just wanted to thank you. Coz you’ve done so much for me. So much that sometimes it seems tragic to my cold eyes. These tears are a living testament to that. I know you have a special liking for me. Well I like you too. That is why we are always together. You have always been there for me. You were there when I was a little kid. You were there when I was a messed up druggie teenager. And you are still there as I start my practical life. I know you’ll be there even when I’m on my deathbed. You stood by me when everyone else left. You noticed when no one else knew that I existed. I wish I could just rip open my heart for the world to see how much you dwell in it. How much space you occupy in this bleeding pump!

Everything reminds me of you. I can feel you humming along each time I’m singing. You are ringing with each and every strum. I don’t expect others to know about us. How close we are. Its a secret affair. The world will never understand and its not supposed to.

Oh and I also wanted to apologize. I have always been so rude to you. You knocked at my door and I always tried to avoid you. I’m very sorry for my behavior. I truly am. From this day onwards, I promise that I’ll embrace you with open arms. I’ll love you like you love me. I’ll never leave your side like you’ve never left mine. I’ll always keep the door open for you. Til my very last breath! And thats a promise!!!

Yours Truly

Accursed Thinker


  1. @tough cookie.. tell me about it =P

    @mariam I was trying to be sarcastic and cynical =P =(
