Saturday, November 13, 2010

Makeesay Provoski: Part I – Origins

3 February, 1986, a fine Monday morning. Provoski opened his eyes in this world for the first time. His transition into this life was complete. He finally had a body and mind of his own. The nurse who was actually a human re-incarnation of Satan, held him in her soft arms and brought him outside where his father, The Colonel waited restlessly. With big round eyes, Provoski explored the hostile environment around him. Only to realize that it was a maternity ward in some Red Army Hospital. His gaze reached beyond the walls to look at the people of the city. The city that surrounded his birth place was a crazy one. It has only gotten crazier with time.

Karachi, then a part of U.S.S.R, was a calm and quiet place. So calm that it almost smelt of madness. Provoski spent a couple of his early childhood years here. At the age of 2, he already knew that he was going to be a key but hidden player in the affairs of the world and this crazy city will be his base. He also knew that his contribution will never be acknowledged by the masses. They perhaps won’t even know about his existence. But his actions will create ripples across time and space. And history will get deformed and twisted like always.

On his 3rd birthday, Provoski was crowned “Makeesay”, a title that has only been bestowed once since the creation of mankind. According to some ancient texts, Makeesay means “The Chosen One”. Hence the name Makeesay Provoski.

Silently Makeesay Provoski prepared for his journey ahead. In order to achieve his objectives, he will have to stay in oblivion for years and years. All great revolutionaries have to face banishment and exile. So Provoski too left the country .

During winters of 1990, Provoski returned and settled in the North Russian state of N.W.F.P, in a small town known as Thal, which is just a few kilometers away from another, more famous small town known as Kohat. Recollecting his memories of a time, strange beyond imagination.

To be continued…

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