Sunday, April 17, 2011

To You, Rain

Imagine a tiny droplet of rain. Imagine the journey of this tiny droplet, which I believe is just wonderful as it starts from up there and ends right here, on the ground.  Just some food for thought: what do all these tiny droplets feel like while they are on it?

Well rainfalls in Lahore are just awesome. Yes they truly are. Especially the part of the city where I live is quite green. So it adds to the awesomeness. Anyways, the story goes like this;

Its 8:52 PM and an hour ago, I was sitting home and had absolutely nothing to do. So I decided to go for a walk. There is a small market in the neighborhood and it normally takes me around 15-20 minutes to get there on foot. So that is where I was heading. As soon as I got there, guess what, it started drizzling. And it didn’t take the drizzle brizzle much time to turn into some heavy monstrous rainfall. This was followed by an obvious attack of panic, confusion and cluelessness as to what should I do next…

…. 10 minutes later, I still stood where I had stood earlier, thinking what to do next. I could have called home or taken a lift from somebody. But I just didn’t. And then I thought, it had been a while that I did something crazy all on my own. So I took the radical decision of walking home in that heavy rainfall. And I did it. I stepped in the storm and starting walking home.

As I walked home, for the first time in my life and I’m not exaggerating it, FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, I felt free. I did not care that I was getting all soaked up or that my cell phone would probably fry its brain because of all the water or what would my mom say when I get home and ruin her new rug with my wet feet. It was just absolute freedom. I saw people running for shelter and cars passing me by in a hurry. But I was a free man. And a free man is never in a hurry to do anything; he walks at his own pace.  This is what we all need. Freedom! Freedom from our own selves!

And I also realized that you don’t need to be in love or be with someone special to enjoy a wonderful moment. The entire world can be your company if you want it to be.

So as you read this, I don’t know who you are, where do you live, what clothes are you wearing, what physical and mental deformities you got, what heinous crimes you have committed against humanity, what shortcomings you have, what religion you follow and whether or not you like me at all… I don’t care. I just want you to know that YOU! are the most amazing human being in the world. Whoever you are, you are just beautiful! in your own unique way. Because out of the 6 billion people on the planet, you are just one and 99 is never a 100. So that’s it.

Oh and btw want to know what those tiny droplets feel like while they are making that journey I was talking about? Well they feel happy and joyful because they know that they might end up making a confused and cold person, happy about life! ;-)